Causes of Infertility

Low Sperm Count and Infertility

Key Points:

The first time many men start questioning their sperm count is when they are trying to conceive with their partner. They may not be aware of or pay attention to issues that could be impacting their sperm count because they haven’t exactly had a reason to. However, when some men realize they have low sperm count and infertility, it can be a shock. Understanding the symptoms and results of low sperm count can help you establish a plan for how you’d like to move forward with your partner when it comes to family building.

If you’ve been having issues with low sperm count and infertility, you have options waiting for you. Reach out to a surrogacy agency to learn more about what those options are.

Symptoms of Low Sperm Count

One of the main symptoms of low sperm count men will recognize is the inability to get their partner pregnant. There may be symptoms before this, but it likely won’t come to light until visiting a fertility specialist about issues getting pregnant where both you and partner will be tested for different fertility issues. Other symptoms of low sperm count include:

Treatment for Low Sperm Count and Infertility

One of the tests you will initially have to test your sperm count is a semen analysis. If results come back abnormally, you will likely be tested again three months later. This will help to establish low sperm count as a cause of infertility. From there you will be able to work with a fertility specialist to create a treatment plan.

Many doctors may recommend continuing trying to have a baby by having sex every two or three days while also making good lifestyle choices and limiting your alcohol intake. Other options they may give you include:

Infertility Options for Low Sperm Count

If you’ve been struggling to get your partner pregnant due to low sperm count and infertility, you may want to look at other options. While everyone has their vision of how their path to parenthood may look, it’s important to allow yourself to change the vision after an infertility diagnosis. If you’re ready to find a new path, consider the surrogacy process.

Surrogacy offers more control than other options such as adoption, allowing you to choose who the mother is, and even have a child who may still have some biological relation.

If you are ready to look at your other options after low sperm count and infertility, connect with a surrogacy agency today.

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