Infertility to Surrogacy

Coping With Infertility

Key Points

It can feel like your world stops when you get the dreaded news that you can’t have children. And while your world stops, everything around you goes on without you. It becomes difficult to cope with infertility when you don’t feel understood by those around you. Your normal routines don’t feel the same with this heavy burden weighing on you. In this moment, it can be hard to pick up and move on. Finding out how to cope with infertility in a healthy way can be imperative to your mental health.

If you aren’t sure what your next steps are, a surrogacy professional can help you connect to infertility specialists and other professionals in the industry. Contact a surrogacy agency to speak with a professional today.

Start Infertility Counseling

One of the most helpful ways to cope with infertility is with counseling. Finding a therapist who specializes in infertility counseling can help you process your grief and other emotions. You can find a qualified therapist through your health insurance, support groups or even through a surrogacy agency. This allows you to connect with a network of professionals in your area and find one who is right for you and your needs.

Feel Your Feelings in Their Entirety

Healing isn’t linear. You are likely going to go through a rollercoaster of feelings when you get the diagnosis of infertility. Allow yourself to just feel however you are feeling. Anger and sadness aren’t really places we like to sit with our feelings, but allowing yourself to feel them are only going to help you move through the process of coping with infertility. Give yourself permission to grieve.

Control Your Social Media

It can feel like everyone but you is getting pregnant and growing their families so easily when you’re dealing with infertility. Give yourself a mental break. Stay off of social media if you can, or unfollow accounts that feel like painful reminders. Maybe you’ve been following different influencers and mom bloggers through your journey, but giving yourself a break can be helpful to your mental health and coping with infertility.

Be Open with Your Partner

Infertility can be hard on relationships. Even if the infertility diagnosis is only for one person, you’re still going through the grief of not being able to have children together. Being open with your partner allows you to prevent a build-up of resentment.

Taking the time to be open with one another and being honest about how you are feeling can help you cope with infertility and come out on the other side together. You may even cope differently, but giving each other the space and understanding for coping with infertility together can add to your bond.

Give Yourself Time

There is no correct timeline to grief. Trying to force yourself through your emotions won’t help in the long run. Give yourself time to cope with infertility. Healthy coping mechanisms such as journaling, exercise, meditation and other forms of self-care can help you emotionally heal through the process. Even taking on the hobbies that you once loved can help you on your journey.

Know Your Family-Building Options

Once you discover you can’t have children on your own, you will have some decisions to make. You may work with your doctor to create a treatment plan. As you learn how to deal with infertility with your doctor, you will have more information about how you can continue to pursue parenthood. Whether that’s through IVF, donors, adoption or surrogacy, you still have options when it comes to starting a family.

Coping with infertility isn’t something you have to do alone. Whether or not you’re choosing to pursue surrogacy, speaking with a surrogacy professional can help you decide what’s right for you. Contact a surrogacy professional to talk to someone today.

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