Secondary Infertility

What is Secondary Infertility?

Key Points

If you’re already a parent and have been struggling to conceive another child, you may have come across the term secondary infertility. So, what is secondary infertility? Technically speaking, secondary infertility is the inability to conceive or carry a baby to term after previously giving birth.

For many parents who have already had a child and have tried to have another without success, secondary infertility can be a painful experience.

Many couples face infertility and secondary infertility. Surrogacy agencies can be a great asset if you’re facing secondary infertility and want to know more about your options. Connect with a surrogacy professional to learn more.

What is the Difference between Primary vs Secondary Infertility?

Until they encounter their own struggle with infertility, many couples don’t know there are different types of infertility:

What are the Signs of Secondary Infertility?

The most common sign of secondary infertility is being unable to get pregnant after one or more biological children. Usually this is defined after one year of trying to conceive through regular, unprotected sex. Your doctor may suspect secondary infertility if you’re under the age of 35, and then you can start doing tests to determine the issue. 

If you’re between the ages of 35 and 40, secondary infertility is usually suspected after trying for at least six months. Otherwise, if you are over 40, age is more likely an issue causing secondary infertility and you should seek out an evaluation sooner than later.

What Causes Secondary Infertility?

There are many factors that could be affecting your fertility this time around. It could be anything from challenges in your last delivery, age, lifestyle changes or other issues you may have had since your last pregnancy.

About 20% of the time secondary infertility is unexplained. This is a very confusing and frustrating answer for many parents wanting to grow their family. Be aware of secondary infertility symptoms and how you can take charge of your fertility when you think it’s likely.

How do you Treat Secondary Infertility?

The good news for many couples experiencing secondary infertility is that it is usually treatable. There are a number of ways you and your doctor may choose to treat your secondary infertility. Once you are aware of the secondary infertility symptoms, and what is causing the secondary infertility, you will create a treatment plan. This may include:

Many couples may try a few things at their doctor’s recommendation. However, many couples grow tired of trying to treat secondary infertility and choose to pursue other family building options. These may include adoption or surrogacy. Speak with your partner to decide what you want a treatment plan to look like and if you would be willing to use other approaches to growing your family.

Connect with a Professional Today

Connecting with a surrogacy agency can help you as your pursue secondary infertility treatment. A surrogacy professional can help you find a fertility specialist, infertility counseling and more. Connect with a surrogacy professional to get assistance today.

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