The Medical Surrogacy Process

Having a Healthy Surrogate Pregnancy [How to]

11 Tips for a Healthy Gestational Pregnancy  

There are several key things you can do to ensure you have the healthiest gestational pregnancy possible.  

More information on having a safe and healthy gestational pregnancy and successful surrogacy is available when you complete this online form to connect with a professional.  

Experienced surrogacy agencies and professionals have the resources to help you make the necessary changes to increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.  

Your OB-GYN is also an excellent resource for making simple changes in your daily life to increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy and surrogacy journey.  

For now, here are 11 tips for how to have a healthy surrogate pregnancy.  

1. A Healthy Diet  

Healthy and well-balanced meals are important, especially now that you’re eating for two.  

Remember, the baby eats everything you eat, so incorporate fresh fruit, vegetables, protein and other natural foods into your diet.  

Here are some foods and liquids to avoid:  

Eliminating unhealthy foods is an easy way to have a healthy pregnancy.   

It’s also important to note that when agreeing to and signing your legal contract with the intended parents, they may dictate specific diet requirements during the pregnancy.  

You can always reach out to a professional to get more information on dietary changes and pregnancy health.  

2. Increase Your Water Intake  

Hydration is important in any healthy diet, but particularly so in pregnancy. A lack of water and dehydration can cause premature contractions. Water also plays a significant role in transferring vitamins and minerals to the baby.  

Did you know there’s an app for your mobile device that reminds you to drink water every hour?   

If you struggle to drink water, consider downloading an app as a reminder. 

3. Activity is Your Friend  

Pregnancy can make you feel tired, rundown and otherwise uninterested in moving. However, a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy will increase pregnancy symptoms, affect your mood and work against you when it comes time for labor and delivery.  

Getting at least 30 minutes of low-impact exercise a day can combat symptoms, a lack of energy and physical difficulties during labor.  

Consider incorporating these low-impact activities

You can also talk to your OB-GYN about safe activities to promote a healthy surrogate pregnancy.  

4. Daily Prenatal Vitamins  

Prenatal medication is necessary for a gestational pregnancy, and that includes taking prenatal vitamins.  

Taking prenatal vitamins ensures the baby is getting the proper amount of nutrients needed for growth.  

You’ll begin taking prenatal vitamins before you are pregnant and continue taking them after a confirmed pregnancy.  

For more information on prenatal vitamins and other gestational pregnancy medications, complete this form to connect with a surrogacy professional. 

5. Get Enough Sleep  

Sleeping at least eight hours at night is a sure-fire way to promote a healthy pregnancy and gives your body the chance to restore itself.  

Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent sickness and protects you and the baby. You can talk to your OB-GYN and surrogacy professional about ways to get better sleep.   

It’s also important to note that you’ll need to sleep on your side after the first trimester to prevent cutting off blood supply to the baby.  

Pregnancy pillows are beneficial additions to your slumber for comfort and safety.  

6. Eliminate Harmful Substances  

Avoiding and eliminating these harmful substances is vital to a healthy pregnancy:  

During your initial surrogate screening, any use of illegal drugs, prescriptions such as anti-depressants and anti-anxiety or alcohol abuse would immediately disqualify you from becoming a surrogate.  

You can learn more about surrogate qualifications and the screening process by checking out this complete guide.  

7. Increased Prenatal Care  

As a surrogate, you will likely need more frequent prenatal appointments and care to ensure the health and growth of the baby. Depending on your location relative to the intended parents, they may join you at your fertility clinic and obstetrician appointments.  

8. Managing Stress  

Without a doubt, physical and emotional stress is harmful to you and the baby.  

Because pregnancy can cause mood swings and various emotional challenges, keeping a positive attitude and finding ways to minimize your stress during the pregnancy is essential.  

Audiobooks, music, showing your artistic side, prenatal massages and other forms of relaxation are all ways to help combat the stress of surrogate pregnancy.  

Talk to your OB-GYN or complete this online form to connect to a professional to find more ways to manage surrogate pregnancy stress.  

9. Keep a Journal  

Writing about your surrogate experience frequently can be a way to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Journaling can be a way to objectively look at yourself from a different perspective and view your experience from an alternate lens.   

You can have a greater appreciation for the decision you’re making to be a surrogate for an intended parent, and any challenges you have along the way are worth it.  

10. Lean on Your Support System  

Your spouse, partner, family and friends are all resources to lean on when you need to talk. The need to communicate about your surrogacy journey and pregnancy doesn’t have to be negative, either.   

Sometimes verbalizing what you’re thinking or discussing your daily experience is a way for you to maintain a healthy emotional state.  

11. Focusing on the Moment and Pregnancy  

Ultimately, focusing on why you’ve chosen surrogacy and the joys of pregnancy is a great way to have a healthy surrogate pregnancy.  

Many surrogates like you choose surrogacy in large part because they enjoy the overall pregnancy experience. Focusing on those positive emotions and what lies ahead can get you into a happy and healthy frame of mind.  

You know that you can handle the entire surrogacy experience because you’ve gone through the screening process to confirm your emotional and medical readiness.   

Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the journey.  

Remember, you can always discuss ways to ensure you’re having the healthiest surrogate pregnancy possible by speaking to a surrogacy professional.  

The best surrogacy agencies offer support and counseling resources to help surrogates and intended parents have a safe, healthy and happy experience. 

Ready to get started? Contact a surrogacy agency now to get free information.

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