Other Surrogacy Professionals
Surrogacy Clinics and Fertility Clinics
If you are just beginning your research on surrogacy, you likely have questions about the procedure, the steps, and who can help. Often, when searching specific terms, you will either be directed towards a surrogacy clinic or a fertility clinic. This can lead to questions like:
- What is a surrogacy clinic?
- Do fertility clinics handle surrogacy?
- Where do you find the best surrogacy clinics?
Although it may seem confusing, surrogacy clinics and fertility clinics are essentially the same things, with a few differences. Some smaller fertility clinics cannot offer all available options for surrogacy, such as IVF and embryo transfers, which is why knowing what to look for is crucial towards reaching your goals for surrogacy.
You are in complete control of your surrogacy decisions, which includes the fertility clinic for surrogacy you choose. This guide helps explain the differences, what to look for, and finding the best surrogacy clinics in the United States.
Anytime you have questions about the surrogacy process or finding the right professional, you can fill out this form to get the information you need. In the meantime, continue reading this guide on what to know when searching for the best surrogacy clinic.
What are Surrogacy Clinics?
Surrogacy clinics guide you through the medical requirements and procedures needed to perform a successful surrogacy. It starts with the screening process.
Screening: Before a woman can become a surrogate for an intended parent, she must first undergo a series of medical screenings to determine her ability to carry a healthy baby to term. These tests will take place at the intended parents’ chosen fertility clinic and will include blood tests, sonograms, embryo testing as needed, and more. Intended parents will also need to participate in a medical screening process and conversations with their fertility clinic to ensure surrogacy is a good option for them. This will differ from surrogacy agency screening which tends to focus more on your personal situation and well-being to become a surrogate or intended parent, not as much on the medical aspects.
Once all tests have been approved and you are cleared to proceed, you will then move on to the medical procedure of the surrogacy process.
Harvesting and the IVF process: Once you are medically cleared to become an intended parent or surrogate, you will begin the in vitro fertilization process. During this time, the intended mother (or egg donor) will undergo egg harvesting and the fertility clinic will work towards syncing her cycle with the surrogate’s. Once embryos are successfully created through IVF, the embryo transfer will take place.
Pregnancy testing: After the embryo transfer process is completed, the surrogacy clinic will follow up with tests to ensure the embryo has implanted successfully and that pregnancy has occurred. During this stage, the surrogacy clinic will test and monitor the surrogate to monitor their health as well as the health of the baby.
It is important to note, many fertility clinics can serve as surrogacy clinics. When intended parents decide to move on from other infertility treatments, in most cases, their fertility clinic can assist with the surrogacy process as well. While most gestational surrogacies follow the same medical process and can be handled by fertility clinics, if your specific situation requires the need for an egg, sperm, or embryo donor, you may need services from a dedicated surrogacy agency.
Fertility clinics and surrogacy clinics are an essential piece of an intended parent’s or surrogate’s journey. To learn more about the services they offer, as well as others who can help along the way, fill out this form to get more information and to contact a surrogacy professional.
What to Look for When Searching for a Surrogacy Clinic?
Finding the right fertility or surrogacy clinic should be a top priority.
In most cases, the surrogacy agency you choose will have referrals for the best clinics and trusted professionals. Working with a clinic that your agency is familiar with can help the coordination of medical procedures and makes moving forward through the surrogacy process easier. Ideally, you want to find a clinic that puts your needs first and is well versed in the surrogacy medical procedures and the overall process.
Ask surrogacy fertility clinics questions about their success rates, timelines, and experience level. Although each surrogacy situation is unique, this provides peace of mind on what to expect from their services. You can also find this information through the database of fertility and surrogacy clinics created by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. You will be able to find services local to you or throughout the United States, it all depends upon what you are looking for.
Some of the larger surrogacy clinics across the U.S include:
- San Diego Fertility Center
- The Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine
- The Blue Sky Fertility Clinic
- California Fertility Partners
- The Infertility Center of St. Louis
- Nevada Center for Reproductive Medicine
The surrogacy clinic you choose to work with is one of the most important decisions throughout your surrogacy journey. Keep in mind, you are always in control of the decisions you make as you follow this life-changing path. Find a surrogacy clinic you are comfortable and confident in. Take your time, weigh your options, ask questions, and voice any concerns you may have.
Surrogacy agencies are here to help you along the way. When it comes to something as important as surrogacy, you want to ensure you are making the best choice for yourself and your future.
Contact a Surrogacy Professional
Understanding the differences between surrogacy clinics and fertility clinics helps you determine the best path towards achieving your surrogacy goals. This guide provides a basic understanding of how surrogacy clinics are the best choice when becoming a surrogate or intended parent and what to look for in your search. It is strongly suggested that you contact multiple surrogacy clinics to better understand the differences in services offered, expectations, and more.
Ultimately, the professionals you choose to help you along your journey will impact your surrogacy’s overall outcome and experience. If you need help finding the right surrogacy clinic, agency, or attorney, we are here to help! For more in-depth information and to speak with a surrogacy professional, fill out this online form. You will get answers to any questions you may have and guidance from an expert on the best path to reach your surrogacy goals.
Ready to get started? Contact a surrogacy agency now to get free information.