Surrogacy Agencies in Illinois

Being a Surrogate for Someone You Know in Illinois

Do you need information about being a surrogate for someone you know in Illinois? If so, you’ll find it in this guide.

Maybe you have questions like:

If you’re considering being a surrogate for family in Illinois or becoming a surrogate for a friend in Illinois, you’ll need a dedicated professional to help along the way. You can complete our online form to connect with a surrogacy specialist when you’re ready. You can read below for answers about being a surrogate mother for family member in Illinois.

How Do I Become a Surrogate for a Friend or a Member of Your Family in Illinois?

You will probably find being a surrogate for someone you know in Illinois quite rewarding, but you should know it’s a huge commitment. You’ll be giving someone close to your heart a chance to build their family. Despite this gift, there are things to consider before choosing to be a surrogate for a friend in Illinois.

Being a surrogate for someone you know in Illinois can impact your existing relationships. There are unique legal, emotional and financial components in being a surrogate for someone you know in Illinois. That’s why we recommend that you speak with a surrogacy specialist prior to making a decision.

Being a surrogate for someone you know in IL involves meeting the requirements for surrogacy in any situation. Though criteria may vary, you’ll often be required to: 

Distinguishing between surrogacy for a stranger and being a surrogate for someone you know in Illinois often comes down to whether you need matching services. Don’t worry, though, because your surrogacy professional will guide you throughout when you’re being a surrogate for a family member in Illinois (or a friend).

Some people feel they can eliminate agency fees by engaging in private or independent surrogacy in Illinois without an agency. However, please consider that any savings on the cost of independent surrogacy in Illinois may come at the cost of expert support provided by a surrogacy professional.

How to Be a Surrogate Mother for a Friend in Illinois 

Have you asked, “I want to be a surrogate for my friend in Illinois. Can I do that?” Yes, as long as you meet the requirements for any surrogacy, you can become a surrogate for a friend in IL.

Simply meeting the requirements to be a surrogate for a friend in Illinois isn’t your sole consideration, however. You should also think about your emotional readiness for being a surrogate for a friend in Illinois. Being a surrogate mother for a friend in IL is a big commitment, so please consider: 

You can speak to a surrogacy professional to get answers to any questions or concerns you may have. 

What Does It Cost to Be a Surrogate for a Friend in Illinois? 

Surrogacy in Illinois is an option, but it’s expensive for intended parents. If you’re planning on being a gestational surrogate for a friend in Illinois, you’ll need to choose between an altruistic or compensated surrogacy.  

If you plan to be a surrogate for a friend in IL, you may wish to avoid any conversations about compensation because you feel you’re giving a gift to a loved one. But we recommend that you accept compensation. After all, your friend recognizes the gift you’re giving, and in many cases, they’ll be happy to compensate you for your time and effort. 

It’s not uncommon to consider altruistic surrogacy when being a surrogate mother for a friend in Illinois. While that’s a meaningful gesture, it could also stress your relationship with your friend. That’s why many surrogacy professionals recommend that surrogates accept some level of compensation detailed in the surrogacy contract.

How to Be a Surrogate for a Family Member in Illinois

A family member may ask for assistance with building a family through surrogacy. Becoming a surrogate for a family member in Illinois is loving and kind, but please understand that family relationships may be forever altered by surrogacy within a family. Some of the considerations include:

Is Being a Surrogate for a Family Member in Illinois Strange or Awkward?  

If you’re asking, “Can you be a surrogate mother for a sibling in Illinois?” you may also be wondering if being a surrogate for a sibling in Illinois is awkward, strange, or uncomfortable.

Becoming a surrogate for a family in Illinois is a rewarding experience, but please consider the potential outcomes of surrogacy for you and your family before committing to it.

Complicated Emotions Can Come Up

Often, when a family member asks you to become a surrogate, it’s because they’ve tried all other ways to conceive and carry a child on their own. The road that leads them to surrogacy may have been painful, and your pregnancy could cause feelings of jealousy, even if you’ve been respectful of their feelings. Being a surrogate for brother and sister-in-law in Illinois (or another sibling and their partner) can spark old rivalries.  

Financial Considerations Can Be an Issue

Though you may not plan on accepting compensation to be a surrogate for a family in Illinois, that may lead to tension within the family. Altruistic surrogacy is noble, but it’s not recommended in family surrogacy situations. You’re sacrificing about a year of your life to assist a family member with starting their family. You deserve compensation for that, and a lack of compensation could result in resentment over time.  

Personal Liens Can Be Crossed 

Being a surrogate for a family in Illinois often means personal boundaries will be crossed, even if you’d rather keep them intact. Most hopeful intended parents are excited about engaging in the process with you. That may include letting family members join you for doctors’ appointments or allowing them into the delivery room. Being a surrogate for sister in Illinois (or brother) means providing personal access to some intimate moments along the way.  

 Family Relationships Can Be Deeply Impacted

Choosing to be a surrogate for family in IL could change your relationships with family members in some important ways. It won’t just be about you, either. Relationships could also change for your children, spouse, parents, cousins and the intended parents.

Final Thoughts on Being a Surrogate for Someone You Know in Illinois

Being a surrogate for someone you know in Illinois is a wonderful gesture you can perform for a loved one because you’ll be helping them build the family they’ve always wanted. You’ll also be benefitting your own family with the compensation you earn for surrogacy. When considering becoming a surrogate for a friend or family member, it’s a good idea to talk to a surrogacy professional. We can help. Simply complete our online form to connect with one today.

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