By State

Surrogacy Agencies in New Mexico

Prospective surrogates and hopeful families benefit from working with surrogacy agencies in New Mexico. Agencies can provide emotional and practical support throughout your surrogacy journey.

You can learn about surrogacy in New Mexico and the comprehensive services agencies offer by contacting us. We will put you in contact with a helpful surrogacy professional that can provide you with a free consultation.

Why Work With Surrogacy Agencies in New Mexico

Surrogacy agencies in New Mexico are “one-stop shops” for surrogacy. Surrogacy agencies work with surrogacy professionals who provide support from the beginning to the end of the surrogacy process.

Surrogacy is a life-changing journey that has legal, medical and emotional aspects. Although all journeys have ups and downs, your surrogacy professional will take care of the process’s technical aspects. This will give you more time to focus on your needs.

How to Choose the Best Surrogacy Agency in New Mexico

Always try to work with surrogacy agencies in New Mexico that offer comprehensive services. The following are some of the surrogacy agencies in New Mexico you could work with:

3 Steps Surrogates and Intended Parents Take During the Surrogacy Process

Every surrogacy journey is unique, but there are several common steps prospective intended parents and surrogates will go through. Here’s what you can expect:

Step 1: Choose Surrogacy, Fulfill Screenings and Match

Gestational surrogacy in New Mexico is a rewarding experience for prospective intended parents and surrogates.

The surrogacy process may be right for you if:

Match Times

Surrogacy professionals work hard to help you match with the best surrogacy partner (intended parents and surrogates).

Surrogacy agencies in New Mexico with shorter matching wait times benefit surrogates and intended parents.

For example, American Surrogacy has an average match time of 1 - 4 months. The agency can maintain this by:

Surrogacy Fees and Surrogate Compensation

The best way to find a surrogacy agency in New Mexico is to look at its fee structure and ask if it offers surrogates fair base compensation.

Case Management

Surrogacy agencies in New Mexico should offer comprehensive services to those they assist.

When you work with an agency like American Surrogacy, you feel confident that your surrogacy professional will handle your entire surrogacy journey’s paperwork, scheduling, and more, so you can focus on your needs.

Complete Surrogacy Screenings

Intended parents and surrogates will go through a series of screenings that a surrogacy professional will help schedule. These screenings include the following:

Don’t worry about these screenings too much. They are simply in place to ensure you and your surrogacy partner remain safe when you work with surrogacy agencies in New Mexico.

Step 2: Finish the Legal Process and Start the Medical Process

You and your surrogacy partner will work with separate surrogacy attorneys to ensure everyone gets the care and support they need and that their rights are protected.

Each surrogacy attorney will help craft a unique surrogacy contract that will serve each of your needs. To contract will cover the following:

Surrogacy Laws in New Mexico

There’s only one surrogacy law in New Mexico§ 40-11A-801. According to American Surrogacy, agreements are neither expressly permitted nor prohibited. This means that:

However, single, intended parents should note the following:

“Single intended parents may have more trouble obtaining a parentage order because New Mexico law favors having two parents who may share financial responsibility for a child. Therefore, complications can arise when there is no parent to take the place of a gestational carrier on the birth certificate.”

Step 3: Complete the Surrogacy Journey

Your surrogacy professional and attorney will stay in contact with you during the child’s delivery and before the hospital discharge to complete all necessary legal steps.

Next, the surrogate will receive her final compensation payment, and the parents will go home with their child!

The Next Steps to Working with Surrogacy Agencies in New Mexico

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