By State

Surrogacy Agencies in Virginia

Surrogacy agencies in Virginia are the best resources for learning about surrogacy. These agencies complete hundreds of surrogacy journeys every year for intended parents and surrogates.

Contact us now if you’d like to learn more about surrogacy today. We can quickly put you in contact with the best surrogacy professionals at surrogacy agencies that can give you a free consultation.

Until then, continue reading to learn about the basics of surrogacy in Virginia.

What is Surrogacy in Virginia?

Surrogacy in Virginia includes a gestational carrier (surrogate), intended parent/s, and surrogacy professionals. You’ll likely work with the following surrogacy professionals at some point in your journey:

Working With Surrogacy Agencies in Virginia

Every potential surrogate and hopeful intended parent/s will have the opportunity to work with a surrogacy professional. Your professional has the knowledge and empathy to make sure you’re cared for during every step of the surrogacy process.

Surrogacy agencies in Virginia offer a diverse range of essential services, including:

Surrogacy is a complex process with many legal, medical and emotional aspects. Surrogacy agencies in Virginia are here to handle all of these complicated processes for you. So, instead of focusing on paperwork, appointment coordination, medical information, and the legal surrogacy process, you can enjoy this experience knowing that everything is handled.

Are you still looking for surrogacy agencies in Virginia to work with? If so, you can contact any of the following agencies for advice:

3 Steps of Surrogacy in Virginia

Every surrogacy journey is different, but there are several common steps prospective intended parents and surrogates will go through. Here’s what you can expect:

Step 1: Finish Surrogacy Screenings and Match

The first step is to ensure you’re ready to complete the surrogacy journey safely and to match with a surrogacy partner.

Once you decide that surrogacy is the right choice for you, you’ll decide which one of the surrogacy agencies in Virginia you want to work with. When you choose an agency that has the following qualities, you’ll likely have a good experience.

Surrogacy Screening Assistance

If you’re wondering how to become a surrogate in Virginia or how to build your family through surrogacy, this is the first step.

Before finding a surrogate or intended parents for your surrogacy journey, you must fulfill pre-surrogacy requirements. All surrogacy agencies in Virginia have these essential screenings.

Your surrogacy professional will help you schedule each screening, which includes: 

Transparent Surrogacy Fees and Competitive Surrogate Compensation

The best surrogacy agencies in Virginia offer clear payment structures and fair base compensation packages.

Quick Match Times

Surrogacy professionals will help you find the perfect match (for intended parents and surrogates) for your surrogacy.

Try to work with surrogacy agencies in Virginia with shorter matching wait times; this can streamline the surrogacy process.

For example, American Surrogacy has an average match time of 1 - 4 months. The agency can maintain this by:

Comprehensive Case Management

Surrogacy agencies in Virginia with comprehensive services also provide case management assistance.

When you work with an agency like American Surrogacy, you can feel confident that your surrogacy professional will handle your entire surrogacy journey’s paperwork, scheduling, and more, so you can focus on your needs.

Step 2: Complete the Surrogacy Legal Process and Start the Medical Process

Your surrogacy professional will refer you to a surrogacy attorney to make certain your surrogacy is legal and fair. You and your surrogacy partner will get your own attorneys who will work together to create a surrogacy contract.

Your surrogacy legal contract will protect your rights and address details such as:

Is Surrogacy Legal in Virginia?

There are quite a few surrogacy laws in Virginia that intended parents and surrogates must follow. American Surrogacy notes the following about the state’s laws:

“While gestational surrogacy is permitted under Virginia’s Assisted Conception Statute, the surrogacy laws in Virginia are only applicable to married couples and set out a strict set of regulations and steps to follow before and after the birth of the baby.” 

Also, it’s important to note that compensated surrogacy is illegal. However, surrogates can still receive reimbursement for their “medical and ancillary expenses.”

You can pursue surrogacy in Virginia. But, working with a surrogacy attorney who understands the state’s laws is essential.

The Surrogacy Medical Process

The fertility clinic you work with will prescribe fertility medications to the prospective surrogate. These drugs will prepare her for the embryo transfer and pregnancy.

The following are some common aspects of the surrogacy medical process:

Step 3: Complete the Surrogacy Journey

Your surrogacy professional and attorney will stay in contact with you during the child’s delivery and before the hospital discharge to complete all necessary legal steps.

Ready to Work with One of the Surrogacy Agencies in Virginia?

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